Category Archives: Poetry Collaboration

I Am . . .

daisy 2Typing words with my fingers on the keyboard of my laptop, I become Writer.

Making music with my fingers on the keyboard of my piano, I become Musician.

Darning my husband’s socks and preparing his supper, I become Wife.

Listening to my children and giving them advice, I become Mother.

Feeding my dog and taking her for a walk, I become Mistress.

Saying hello to the people next door and watching for strangers, I become Neighbor.

Being concerned for the poor and oppressed, I become Citizen of the World.

Doing all these things, I am simply just . . .  ME.


poetry collaboration button




Only You

couple holding hands 100

Only you . . .

Know the deepest recesses of my heart,

The secrets that I keep,

Or the thoughts that I think.

* * *

Only you . . .

Can cause my breath to catch,

With a single word,

Or the briefest glance.

* * * 

Only you . . .

Make me feel safe in the dark of the night,

When the storm rages,

Or when trouble is at hand.

* * * 

Only you . . .

Bring out the best in me,

Even when I’m at my worst,

I strive to be better.

* * * 

Only you . . .

Encourage me to pursue my dreams,

To be the person I want to be,

The person that you love.

* * * 

Only you . . .

Love me no matter what my faults are,

In good times and in bad times,

In sickness and in health.

* * * 

If it is true that everyone has one soul mate,

One person who is their perfect match,

Then I am certain that I have found mine . . .

* * *

Only YOU.

The World Needs . . .


what the world needs now


The world needs . . .

People who see each other with eyes that are unbiased.


The world needs . . .

People who listen to each other with hearts that are open.


The world needs . . .

People who speak to each other with words that are kind.


The world needs . . .

People who embrace each other with arms that are gentle.


The world needs . . .

People who are not afraid to hope for a better tomorrow.


The world needs . . .

People who can love and be loved in return.


The world needs . . .

People who are willing to do all these things TOGETHER.



Poetry Collaboration: Written in response to a poetry collaboration by which you may find at:

★ I’d personally like to thank Marie for allowing me to be part of this wonderful collaboration and I’d also like to thank for inviting me in the first place.  I had a lovely time making a contribution to this collaboration, and I encourage you to check out both of their sites.