Premio Dardos Award

2 premio dardos award 1000★ I was nominated for the Premio Dardos Award by Soul, a wonderful blogger here at WordPress on October 1, 2014. Her blog at Soul N Spirit is a wonderful combination of writing, poetry, and photography and is such a delight to wander through.When she presented this award to me, she wrote such kind and lovely words: “Cindy is an inspiring woman who writes beautiful short stories and meaningful poetry. I recommend her Red-Letter Saturday section, a unique feature of her blog.” Throughout the time I have been blogging, I have come to realize that bloggers are some of the friendliest and kindest people I have ever met, and Soul is a prime example. I’d like to thank her from the bottom of my heart for her thoughtful gesture.

Now I must tell you something about this particular award. I was nominated for it in October of 2014, but because I was very ill from September of 2014 until March of 2015, I was unable to blog during that period of time. Due to this fact, I have not been able to accept this award until now, which is the first week of May, 2015. But you know what they say: Better late than never, right? 🙂





What is the Premio Dardos Award?

Premio Dardos means “Prize Darts” in Spanish. It is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing.


There are three rules with this award:

  1. Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and link to his or her blog.
  2. Include the image of the “Premio Dardos” in the post.
  3. Pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment.

Please be sure to visit these amazing bloggers at their sites which I have listed below. I’ve been blogging here at WordPress since April of 2012 and have met so many wonderful people, and these fifteen bloggers are some of the very best whom I’ve encountered. I am positive that you will enjoy visiting their sites and reading their work as much I have.


Tom – Tom writes some of the best rhymes which are pithy, humorous, and somehow always manage to hit the nail on the head.

★ Prayyior – Prayyior pens beautiful stories that come from her heart and always have a valuable meaning within them.

Andy1076 – Andy crafts the most beautiful poetry I have ever read, with the addition of beautiful music and imagery.

Christine  – Christine blogs on a wide variety of topics, which makes her blog such an interesting place to visit.

★ Michelle – Michelle writes with such a degree of positivity, cheerfulness, and most of all – hope – and it is this which makes the reader believe that perhaps not all is lost and that there is still hope for the world.

★ Relax – Relax creates wonderful stories, is not fearful of injecting humor into them, but has a way of always making them warm and a delight to read.

Julia – From stories to recipes to fashion tips, Julia does it all and is one of the most versatile bloggers that I’ve come across in my blogging journey thus far.

Cee – Not only is Cee a great writer, but she is also an awesome photographer. In addition to this, she serves the WordPress blogging community by offering us blogging activities to participate in which she created: Share Your World; Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge; Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge; Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge, and Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge.

Daily Musings -The writing of Daily Musings is absolutely lovely, and her photos are gorgeous, which makes her blog site one of the most delightful sites you’d ever want to visit.

★ Lydia – Lydia is wonderful at the art of blogging, especially when it comes to her stories of parenting, not to mention her poems.

★ Muzzy – Muzzy is a an marvelous writer, a wonderful poet, and an even lovelier person and friend. I highly recommend getting to know her better.

★ Sheen – Sheen’s writing is as beautiful as the person that Sheen is inside as well as outside.

Yinglan – Yinglan is a remarkable blogger who not only blogs but also writes short stories and flash fiction. Clearly, there are no limits to her potential as a writer.

Serendipity – Featured on Freshly Pressed, Marilyn is one of those bloggers that I aspire to be.

★ Lenee – Lenee’s writing draws you in until you are lost within the words of her stories.


I know many of you may not able to respond due to  personal reasons, it is entirely your own wish to nominate this award further. Please accept this for your talent and creativity. Thank you for reading my post.






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