Age is a Work of Art

There are some people who worry about getting older. There are even some people who lie about their age and pretend that they are younger. But I think that age is just a number.

One of my favorite quotes is by Stanislaw Lec and it goes like this:

“Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.”

I think that about says it all. It’s true that while you’re young, you have the whole future before you, unless you run across some unforeseen circumstances. But as we grow older, as we mature, we have so much more within ourselves than we had when we were younger.

hourglass 1We have the knowledge and the experience to live our lives even smarter than when we were younger. We know what to do because chances are we’ve been in similar circumstances before.

We make wiser decisions and hopefully, smarter choices. Not only that, but we can help others to benefit from our experiences – those we love such as our children and our children’s children.

Our emotions are more finely tuned and we usually can deal with them better (not all the time, granted, but usually).

We can enjoy other people’s company more because we know how to do that from our past relationships. And in this way, we can get more out of life.

And I think we can appreciate those we love even more, and this means that we can love more fully, more deeply than ever before. And that’s the best part of all.

So I think we get better. Do you remember that old jingle: “You’re not getting older, you’re getting better?” I think it’s true.

Therefore, I don’t think a person should be concerned about numbers when it comes to their age. It really doesn’t matter whether your driver’s license says you were born in 1950 or 1993 because age is just a number. You’re only as old as you feel.

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”  ~ George Burns




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