The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

sisterhood of the world blogger award 1000


★ I was nominated for the The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by my friend and fellow blogger, Julia on May 24, 2015. When she mentioned my name in her nomination she wrote: “Here are the bloggers/writers that I admire and always have something to learn from . . . Ladies, you are amazing and I am honored to have had the chance to get to know you . . . I just love your blogs and I thought you deserve a place in the Sisterhood Circle of amazing female writers!”




I feel so honored and privileged to be counted as one of many among the Sisterhood of the World of Bloggers. Wow! I have seen this blogging award on many, many blogs and have always been envious of its owners; wishing that I, too, could proudly display it on my own blog. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that now I can! And not only that, but now I get to stand up and celebrate ‘GIRL POWER!’ I’m so excited!



Rules for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award:

  • Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
  • Answer the 10 questions given to you.
  • Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated.
  • Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog



* I want to thank Julia for giving me this wonderful award. As I stated above, it is the one blogging award that I’ve always wanted, so I’m ever grateful that she’s given it to me. Julia has a wonderful blog called myredpage.  Her blog is very eclectic, and not only does she write blog posts, but she also posts recipes, writes movie reviews, writes about fashion, and does photography. It’s no wonder that she has been nominated for several blogging awards. I think she is an amazing blogger, and I’m so proud to be able to call her my friend.



And now, on to the questions:

1.  Is there something you have tried, but will never try again?

A ride on a ferris wheel. I used to love riding on the ferris wheel when I was younger, but now I am terribly afraid of heights, so I don’t dare go on one any longer. I know – sad, but true.

2.  Do you have a quirky habit?

This may be a little OCD, but I must check my alarm clock three times before I go to bed at night, just to be sure that it will go off at the right time. Not one, not two. but three times. I don’t check anything else three times – just the alarm clock. And I don’t know why I do this, but I do. Weird, huh?

3.  What is your favorite memory as a child?

Watching the fireworks on the Fourth of July sitting on the hill across the street from our house. They used to shoot the fireworks off behind the elementary school which was down the hill and sitting on the hill was the perfect spot. We used to bring our blankets, plenty of bug spray, and and sit with our neighbors and friends to watch the the display in the sky. It was so much fun!

4.  Who is your best friend? NOT lover/partner.

Besides my little toy poodle Lucy, I’d have to say that this would be my youngest sister, Jan. We’ve grown very close over the years. I have five sisters, but for some reason, we have really bonded over the last few years. It’s been great.

5.  What would your dream date be?

A candlelight dinner with my husband. There would be romantic music playing in the background, a vase of fresh flowers on the table, a bottle of champagne, and a steak dinner (not cooked by me). Maybe dancing.

6.  What is the worst thing about dating?

Thank goodness I don’t have to worry about that any more. And I haven’t dated for almost 40 years, so I don’t have the slightest idea these days because I’m sure that so much has changed about the dating scene.

7.  What is one movie that has influenced your life?

I can’t say that any one movie has actually influenced my life per se, although I have lots of favorite movies. I love a good romantic movie, movies with happy endings, and movies that make you feel good.

8.  Would you change anything about yourself?

I don’t think I would change anything about myself because then I wouldn’t be the person that I am.

9.  Who is your favorite celebrity?

Harrison Ford.

10. What was your most embarrassing moment?

I am embarrassed to say that I can’t think of anything at this moment, so I guess that this would count as an embarrassing moment, right?


* Julia added a special question of her own:

What do you love the most?

Besides the people in my life, which would be my husband and children, I would have to say that I love playing my piano. I have always had a special love for music, ever since I was very young, and I’ve always wanted to play the piano. But my parents couldn’t afford one. Then in the spring of 2014, my dream of owning a piano was finally realized, thanks to the generosity and kindness of my church choir director. And so, at the age of 58, I began to take piano lessons, and I am loving every minute of it!


And now for my favorite part of any award that I’m given, and that’s the nomination of other bloggers whom I believe deserves this award. And since this is such a special award, I’ve chosen seven very special women whose blogs I admire and are a source of inspiration for me.

And to these lovely ladies I’d like to say: Please don’t feel obligated to accept this award. It is yours to do with as you choose. I just want you to know that I nominated you because I’m so thrilled that I’ve been able to get to know you through your wonderful writing, and I think that you deserve a place in the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers!

Here are my nominees:

1.  Cee 

2.  Sheen

3.  Daily Musings

4.  Trisha

5.  Shailaja

6.  Soul N Spirit

7.  Marilyn

So there you have it. These bloggers deserve to be nominated for this award and I hope that they enjoy being nominated as much as I do. Please be sure to visit their blogs. If you click on their names, you will be taken straight to their blogs and soon you’ll find out why I have nominated them.



In closing, I’d again like to thank Julia for this award nomination. It’s always an honor to be recognized by a sister blogger, especially for something that I absolutely love doing – writing. It’s always wonderful to do what you love to do, and then to be rewarded for doing it.


And to all you writers out there, remember the words of William Wordsworth:

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”


Cindy's signature gold with flowers










  • Awww thank you so much Cindy! What a lovely gesture and I am truly touched. You deserve this award so very much 🙂

    Pssst! I do the alarm clock thing too. Maybe it’s a writer’s curse 😉


    • You’re so very welcome, Shailaja. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you through your writing. I found your blog through yeahwrite and I’m so glad I did. I think you are a wonderful writer and you truly do deserve this award. Enjoy! And by the way, I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one who does the alarm clock thing – it drives my husband crazy, though. 🙂 Have a great day!

      Liked by 1 person

  • Thanks so much for the nomination! 🙂


  • Congratulations on the award. Thank you Cindy. It’s great to be included in your giving me an award. I am feeling humbled, and honored at the same time. Hugs, and love.


    • You are so welcome, Sheen. You were one of the first people I thought of to nominate, of course! I’ve always loved your blog, and I think you’re such a sweet person – you deserve it. Enjoy! Hugs and love! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  • Thank you. I’m touched and honored. I will revisit this when things at home are a bit less hectic. Thank you again. I love your answers, by the way. I always check my alarm clock (when I use one, which is rare these days) at least three times because it has tricked me so many times and failed to go off. I’m never sure I have set it correctly!


    • Hi Marilyn! You are so welcome. I think you have a fabulous blog and you deserve this award. And those darn alarm clocks, right? I’m glad I’m not the only one! Have an awesome day! 🙂


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