A Place To Be Alone

Girl in bathtub

Throughout the years, it was difficult to find a place to be alone, especially as my children were growing up. While contemplating this, I couldn’t help but laugh, because I remembered where I used to go to find that precious solitude.

I was a full-time working wife and mother, having a position as a registered nurse in the operating room of a local hospital.  I rose early in the morning because I needed to be at my job by 6:30 a.m.  I also had to be on-call at least once a week, which meant extra hours at work. In addition to this, I had to work my share of weekends and holidays. This was the lot of being a nurse, and I knew full well what I was getting into when I entered this profession. But still, I missed the time away from my husband and children, although it did mean that I was among other people, which was a nice change sometimes. I loved my job as a nurse, mostly because it meant I could help to change people’s lives for the better, sometimes even saving their lives. But it could be stressful, and when I came home after a long day, I often wished for time alone and a place to spend it in.

If you have ever raised a family, then I’m sure you know how difficult it is to find that kind of peaceful environment within the home, and it was no different for me. My children demanded my attention, which I gladly gave to them; however, I often wished for some solitary time.

Then I discovered that there was a way for me to be alone, and you may be surprised at what I did to accomplish this goal. Or, if you are a parent, perhaps you won’t be surprised. I knew that there was one place in the house where I could go off by myself, a place where no one would follow me.

The bathroom! Yes, the bathroom was the one place where I could escape to in order to have time to myself! Silly, you say? Well, it wasn’t at the time. But alas, it didn’t take long before my family figured it out, and before I knew it, my kids would knock on the door and yell, “Mommy!”

Now the years have flown by and our children are grown. Our son is out on his own, our oldest daughter is married, and our youngest daughter is away at college, save for the holidays and summer vacations. You would think I would have sufficient time alone now, wouldn’t you? You would think that since I have almost the entire house to myself (except for my husband) that I’d find lots of places to be alone, wouldn’t you?

But even now, when I go into the bathroom and close the door, it’s not long before I hear scratching on the door and the whimpering of my toy poodle Lucy, as if she’s crying, “Mommy!”

Some things never change.



  • The bathroom is indeed a much revered place. of course, that is why my son follows me in there all the time 🙂


    • Hi Mimi. Yes, when my kids were younger, they always followed me to the bathroom, and they always knew where to find me, unfortunately! LOL. Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you have a wonderful day!


  • When my cat died over a year ago, at work I spent a lot of time alone crying in the bathroom. Then I remembered when I was a kid, my mom would lock herself in the bathroom and I would hear her crying. Probably crying for some solitude away from me and my dad!


    • Oh, so sad to hear about your kitty; our pets become just like our babies, don’t they? And yes, the bathroom is a great place to get some solitude, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by for a visit; I appreciate it. I hope you have a great day!


  • G’day Cindy,
    Love the story, in my case I had to vacate the bathroom (far too much door knocking) when I discovered the chicken pen, the children didn’t appreciate the girls as much as I did so wouldn’t venture there. hahahaha


    • Now that’s an unusual hiding place! It sounds like you’re fortunate that you had an alternate location. LOL. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have an awesome day!


  • I am so glad I joined the blog fest with my Lost Poem. I love the charm of your writing, and the chance to reply to your empathy, Cindy.


    • Thank you so much; you are so kind. I’ve just found this wonderful place called yeah.write, and I’m so glad I did. Everyone here is so friendly. I think it’s a great community. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great day!


  • Growing up in a tiny house, the bathroom was always my refuge (and it was the only door with a lock). Now that I foster rescue dogs? Can’t ever close the damn door.


    • Hee-hee! I hear you! Dogs always know where there masters are – you can’t fool them, that’s for sure. My little poodle insists on following me INTO the bathroom, otherwise she scratches the heck out of the door! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!


  • My mother is all alone in the house now with all the kids gone, but she still doesn’t think she has enough alone time! She used to lock herself in the bathroom when we were younger, just to have space to herself. I guess I won’t ever understand until I have someone clawing at my door yelling, “MOMMY!” But until then, I’ll cherish my alone time 🙂


    • I love the picture I got when I read your words “clawing at the door!” It was like that sometimes when my kids were younger! LOL! And yes, some day you WILL understand! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


  • I have various hiding places, some in plain sight! This was fun to read. 🙂


  • Ha! I swear that my kids had some kind of internal radar that alerted them every time I closed that bathroom door. We have a one bathroom cottage in Maine, and even today,the instant I close that door “Daddy, I have to go!”


  • I got the bathroom solitude for about 2 weeks. Now she storms in or bangs on the door, yelling “MAMA MAMAMAMA!!” I hear I have quite a few more years to go with this.


  • I too have discovered the bathroom secret. ha ha this was charming.


    • Thanks for your kind words; I appreciate it. I have a feeling that the bathroom is everyone’s secret hiding place; no one wants to admit it – that’s all! LOL! Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.


  • Hi, I am not a mom but growing up in a family of 6 with a little sister following me around everywhere, the best place for quiet time was also the bathroom for me.


  • LOL! Yes the bathroom remains a great hiding spot! But it seems Lucy is on to you.


    • My little Lucy ALWAYS finds me! But that’s only because she loves me, so I guess that’s a good thing! 🙂 Thanks so much for taking the time to read and write; I appreciate it, and I hope you have a fabulous day!


  • It’s the universal quiet place for mothers everywhere! Fun post. 🙂


  • Oh yes, the bathroom is the first place they come looking for me now, ha! I need to find a new hideout. Your dog is no dummy 🙂


    • I never did find a new hideout – I just had to wait until they left the nest, but like I said, my dog just took over where they left off. She’s the real baby of the family anyway, so I guess that should have come as no surprise! LOL. Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great day!


  • Oh yes! They cannot accept “I’m GOING TO THE TOILET” as an answer, and the dog just pretends he didn’t hear me shoo him. Mine have awhile to go before they are on their own, and the dog will be around awhile, just like yours. Ha!


    • Yes, most kids think Mom should be available ALL the time, no matter what! LOL. But I guess that’s what we Moms signed up, right? Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you have a great day.


  • I understand this all too well.


  • As a mom of a 12 and 15 year old it’s not as hard as it used to be to get away at home…I’m just never at home now. So now I know when the last one leaves to send the dogs with them 🙂
    Loved reading your post.


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